Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year...Happy Blogging to me

OMG....I finally have my own blog. I can’t believe it. Although it’s actually so simple to make a blog but laziness has get the best of me. However since its 2008, I guess myself requires a new beginning, a new perspective and a new era. An era of BLOGGING...hahaha

Another thing that prevents me from starting my own blog is that I’m afraid that there will be no one that will be reading it…hahaha… (of all the lame excuse). But then again I said to myself what if people don’t read it as long as I’m happy with what I wrote. Right?

So as a result of above craps (I guess), today on 3rd of January 2008, I officially start my own blog. Yey for me. Hip hip horray 3x……

p/s: I’m trying my best to update this blog…so bear with me

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