Sunday, February 24, 2008

Law Student's Convention 2008

Hari Jumaat hari tue aku pergi UM. Ade Law Student’s Convention 2008. Event nie di anjurkan oleh Law Faculty UM bertujuan untuk merapatkan lagi para pelajar jurusan undang-undang dari seluruh Malaysia. Ramai jugak Universiti yang hantar wakil, antaranya, MSU, UKM, UiTM, UM, IIUM, USIM, Taylor’s College dan jugak UUM. Oleh kerana convention nie di buat untuk law student so die punye penyampai pun budak2 law jugak lah. But mostly yang jadi penyampai budak2 tahun akhir. Seronok jugak bile kiter dapat betukar2 pandangan serta pendapat. Event nie berlangsung selama 2 hari. Tapi aku dapat pergi hari Jumaat je sebab hari Sabtu, gout aku datang balik. Huhu...tak dapat aku nak pergi.......

Itujelah gambar yang ade...huhu. Apepun event nie bagi aku bagus. So hopefully, next year ade lagi

P/S: yang pergi convention nie, Aku, Wawa, Aireen, Dizzo, Kay, Bal, Lin, Watie and Thangga yang last minute cancel due to family problem. Huhu

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nandayo...why? why? why?

This past few days, my streamyx caused me tonned of trouble. I dont know why, when i call the service centre, they said everything is in tip top condition. Nevertheless, it took me about 15 minutes just to log in to streamyx. What the f**k. I even had the technician from TM to come to my house. And guess what they found? Certainly NOTHING wrong with my streamyx. Not only that, when i used torrent, my internet speed become slow. I know that when you are downloading something, it will pull down your download speed, but so far it didn't caused me any trouble. Hmmm.....i just want to wait till the end of the week and see how is my streamyx performance. If it did not improved, TM will be bug like it was never be bug before

Angry Mike signing off

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Try To

I try to hate you
But I can't
I try to love you
It's useless
Tell me
What else I'm supposed to do?

I try to shed this feeling
It keeps coming back
I try to let you go
My heart keeps holding on
Tell me
What did i do to deserve this

I will treasure the moment that we have
I will remember the promise that we made
I will always love you
Even my mind tell me that's stupid

And that's the truth

- 20:01 -
- 19/02/08 -
- Yahafizi Yunus -

Monday, February 18, 2008

Bad Luck February

Agak lama jugak tak update blog, dah nak dekat sebulan kot. Bukan ape, bulan ahari tue aku demam. Lama jugak aku demam. Nak dekat seminggu. Aku suspect denggi. Tak pun Bird Flu ke. Hehehe. Selamat takde ape2. After demam, dalam 2 hari kebah, (selseme dengan batuk still ade)aku kene gout plak.kene dekat kaki sebelah kiri. Ade lah dalam 3 hari aku tak boleh berjalan. Huhu. Talk about bad luck. Sampai la nie still rasa sakit lagi nak berjalan. Jalan pun terincut-incut lagi...huhu.

Aku ingat sampai situ jelah bad luck aku, to make matter worst, aku punye modem denngan motherboard computer kene struck by lightning. Memule aku ingat just power suplly je yang rosak. Aku suruh cousin aku tukarkan. But in turn out, my processor dah cair dan melekat dekat fan die...huhu. dah aku kene tukar mother board. Nak dekat RM 700 jugak duit aku habis. Huhu. Selamat lah ade simpanan siket. Kalau tak...memang tak bertukar lah motherboard aku. Modem yang aku baru tukar tak sampai sebulan pun kene tukar lagi.

Dalam 2-3 hari nie, streamyx aku plak buat hal. Time connectt, tengah best surf net, die disconnect. After that, nak reconnect balik dah tak boleh. Huhu. Tadi technician die datang, cakap everything ok. But maybe ade something wrong dengan modem so die tukar modem baru. Hmm...kalau aku tau, time modem kene struck ngan lighning tue, aku tak beli modem baru. Huhu.

Memang besar dugaan yang Allah berikan dekat aku. But aku terima semua nie dengan tabah. It will make me much more stronger. Insyallah.